
Contact 401 (English)

In this issue, Maitreya's words:

 Celebration: More than ever, meditate for peace!
 Give Love, that’s why the Elohim created us
 You want to deserve eternal life? Smile and laugh
 Don’t be serious
 Give your friends the freedom to change
 I don’t think that I am, then I am
 Trust the Elohim’s creation
 The Message is a wake-up clock
 Don’t wait until tomorrow to say, “I love you
 Be the fountain, be the oasis, be little fairies by changing the world with love
 Thinking is an umbrella
 Trying to be better than others, for anything, is wrong
 The Elohim are in each heartbeat
 You are not alone
 Be happy, be funny, be crazy, but before all, BE
Sat 10 Sep 2022 - 09:05:36