Maitreya’s Words - Loving Elohim is the most beautiful - Ignite your happiness center - Only the message can save humanity - We are not from Earth - The Buddha Paradox News and Views - Stop making Christmas gifts - S.Korea Internet gaming forbidden - Ban on cluster bombs - Bradley Manning Honorary Guide - Jacob Zuma Honorary Guide Planet Raelian - Negar in the US Planet - Kama - DILU in Congo - on the way to NKAYI - Congo - Dec 13 in Ivory Coast Planet-Japan Planet-Europe - Austria - « Free Hugs » à Luxembourg - October 7 in Lisbon - Rome, National Assembly of Atheists - Netherland, 7th October 66 a.H. - Mission in Moscow ! - Nopedo demonstration in Dublin North America - US, legal success - In Montréal with Occupy - Seminar in Mexico: Testimonies” - Diffusion in Mexico, November 66 South America - First Raelian celebration in Ecuador - ARAMIS in Lima Australia - Drag queen Christ art stirs the passions. |